On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, in Gračanica, Windsor, organized by the Serbian Orthodox Youth Association (SOYA), a seminar was held on the subject of the Blessed Virgin Mary(Theotokos): The Mystery of the Theotokos in the Holy Scriptures.
The seminar was led by priest Vladimir Vranić, and the aim of the seminar was to approach and try to get an insight into the Mystery, as well as to explore the sacred role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the salvation history, based on the Scriptures. The presentation itself lasted about two hours, but as usual, after the presentation, there was a period of open and lively conversation between the participants, and the conversation was spontaneously extended until late in the evening.
Fr. Vladimir expresses his gratitude to all those who, with pure hearts and sincere interest in Orthodox Christianity, were present with attention and patience and took an active part in this important gathering.
For more information about the Serbian Orthodox Youth Association and their future plans and
activities, please, click here: