On Wednesday, March 8, another seminar organized by the Serbian Orthodox Youth Association was held in Windsor. Considering that it is the time of Great Lent, the topic was: Fasting, Church and Eucharist (Communion). This was a good opportunity to discuss the mentioned topics in more detail.
The seminar was again led by priest Vladimir Vranić. The topic itself is extensive, so this first meeting was dedicated only to the topic of fasting through the prism of the threefold fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:6), but also the threefold victory over the temptations of the New Adam in the "sinful" desert (Mt. 4 :1-11).Then the conversation began about the Orthodox understanding of the Church and the Eucharist based on the Epistle to the Hebrews. After the presentation of Fr. Vladimir, questions followed and continued in the spirit of spontaneous conversation on the topic of the evening. It is planned that the next meeting will also be devoted to the topic of the Orthodox understanding of the Church and Communion.
As always, the organizers have generously prepared a Lenten table of love in the hall under the church for all present and enabled further socializing of those present. We also use this opportunity to thank the Serbian Orthodox Youth Association for their efforts and organization of spiritual talks in our temple.