Archpastoral message for Christmas

2023 Christmas Encyclical
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will toward men" (Lk. 2: 14)
I read somewhere a beautiful story about the creation of man. Namely, when God wanted to create man, he called good angels for advice.
The angel of justice said: "Don't create him, because he will be unjust and harsh towards his neighbors." And the angel of truth said: "Don't create him, because he will defile Your holiness with his lies." The angel of peace said: "Don't create him, because he will soak the earth with the blood of his brothers."
Finally, the angel of charity fell at God's feet and said: "Lord, create man, but in Your image and likeness! Give him a merciful heart to have love for the weak and the unwilling!" And God listened to the angel of charity, and created man in His own image and likeness.
Dear brothers and sisters,
This story tells us that the original human nature was good, merciful, ready to do good and love all. Sin has disfigured man's nature. From true and merciful, he made it harsh, merciless, pitiless, self-loving and insensitive to the suffering of its fellow human beings.
But because God loved man and the world, He sent His Only Begotten Son so that he "would not perish, but have eternal life" (Jn. 3: 16). And that eternal love that God has for His Son, He also sends to us (Jn. 17: 23). Because love can only give birth to love. And that love is not theoretical, philosophical, but real, which makes us become sons of God. How splendidly the Holy Apostle Paul said it: "Having predestined us to adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His which He made us accepted in the Beloved" (Eph. 1: 5-6; Gal. 4: 7; Rom. 8: 16 -17). This is the day of our adoption through His Son Jesus Christ.
There has never been a day like today in history. Christ's birth surpasses and leaves in the shadow all that has happened under the sun. No battle, no discovery, no natural phenomenon, no empire or government, or cultural work, can be compared to the birth of the Son of God from the Blessed Virgin Mary. Because today, as the Holy Prophet Isaiah said: " For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Is. 9: 6).
Thousands and thousands of rulers, philosophers, scientists, ordinary people were born. And most of them have been completely forgotten. They're just in the books. But no one is as loved and respected as Jesus Christ. He overcomes all forgetfulness. Every cross speaks of Him. No life has been described as His. No book is more needed by man today than His Gospel. No image is as iconic as His image. But on the other hand, let's also be aware of the fact that no one has been spoken against so much and is not being spoken about, as against Him (Lk. 2: 34). However, no one has or can surpass His moral and holy life.
He was born to reconcile man with God. Blessed Augustine said: "The creation of the world shows the great power (of God). And the salvation of the world shows an even greater power. Because by creating man, He gave him life. And by sending His Son, He showed how much He loves us". So in festive joy they shout: "Rejoice, holy maidens: The Virgin has given birth to the One whom you can marry without losing your virginity; you who can neither conceive nor give birth, you cannot lose what you love! Rejoice righteous! It is the birthday of the One who justifies. Rejoice weak and sick! It is the day of the Savior's birth! Rejoice captives! It is the day of the Redeemer's birth. Let the slaves rejoice! It is the day of the birth of the Lord. Let the free rejoice! It is the day of the birth of the Deliverer. Let all Christians rejoice! It is the day of the birth of Christ".
This is a holiday for all of us, especially children. That's why on this occasion we should remember all those who are suffering, who are hungry and thirsty, barefoot and naked and feeble, who are in hospitals and nursing homes. Let's remember especially the children who suffer and die in the areas affected by the whirlwind of war, regardless of race, nationality or religion. Let's remember our long-suffering brothers, sisters and children in Kosovo and Metohija, who live in great fear every day. Let them also feel the joy of Christmas.
Thank you all, dear brothers and sisters, for your contributions to our Diocese, monastery and churches, as well as to all those who needed help. May the Lord repay you in His eternal gifts.
From our hearts and souls, we greet you with joyful words:
Happy and God-blessed New 2024 year of salvation!
Your intercessor before the Divine Christ Child,