On Wednesday, May 25, 2023, a meeting to revive the Golden Age Club was held in the lower level of Gračanica Church. Invited and present were members of the Serbian community of Windsor/Essex aged 60+. Father Vladimir Vranić welcomed all by pointing out the importance of honouring the experience and wisdom that our community elders possess. He looks forward to welcoming even more seniors as we become established.
Stephen Payne, as past President of the club, also welcomed the group, and introduced the former Board.
The Golden Age Club will provide seniors from our community an opportunity to meet, organize and participate in social and cultural events. Among the possibilities discussed at the meeting were exercise classes, walking groups, featured speaker evenings, dance lessons, and more. Interest was also expressed in taking trips to Monasteries, museums, and special events sponsored by other communities.
Since the Club has been inactive for several years, the previous Board graciously agreed to stay on throughout a period of transition as the Club is re-established